when taught in a sequence, most children pick up spellings and
reading very well. you may start teaching alphabet recognition to a
child as small as 2 years old. once a child recognizes alphabets, you
may teach him corresponding words using pictures. soon the child learns
that there are many words that start with the same letter. (B for bat,
ball, C for cat, car etc). no stress should be put on individual sounds
at this stage. this is the base to learning phonetics later on. once the
base is established, you may start teaching phonetics sequentially,
say, by the end of Nursery. please note that there is no fixed age, some
children learn early and some learn late. a little bit of up and down
in the age doesnt matter in the long run. so dont feel the pressure of
teaching, feeling that clock is ticking.
the best sequence to teach phonetics to a child is:
the best sequence to teach phonetics to a child is:
- single consonant sound
- single vowel sound (the common sounds only)
- CVC words
- blends of two consonants
- simple units - 1
- sight words
- simple units-2
- clusters
- compound words
- homophones
- homonyms
- short and long sounds
- 2-3 syllable words
- silent letters
- complex units
- 4-6 syllable words