after teaching the doubles, the next step is to teach the VCC units with different CC. this has a long list of units and words. though not difficult, it takes time to learn all the units and their words.
CK units:
NT units:
CK units:
- ACK (ऐक ) : back, hack, lack, jack, pack, sack, tack, whack, black, slack, stack, smack, shack, crack, track, flack
- ECK (एक ) : beck, heck, neck, peck, check, deck, wreck
- ICK (इक : lick, nick, pick, sick, tick, click, chick, stick, brick, trick, prick, thick
- OCK (ऑक ) : cock, lock, mock, sock, clock, stock, dock, frock, knock, shock
- UCK (अक ) : buck, duck, luck, muck, suck, tuck, truck, cluck, chuck, puck, pluck, stuck
- AFT (ऐफ्ट ) : raft, craft, shaft, graft
- EFT (एफ्ट ): cleft, left
- IFT (इफ्ट ): gift, lift, rift, shift
- OFT (ऑफ्ट ): loft, soft
- UFT (अफ्ट ): tuft
- ALK (ऑक ): chalk, walk, talk, stalk,
- ILK (इल्क ): milk, silk
- OLK (ओक ): folk
- ULK (अल्क ): hulk, bulk, sulk
- ALM (आम ): calm, balm, palm
- ILM (इल्म ): film
- ALD (ऑल्ड ): bald
- OLD (ओल्ड): gold, bold, told, sold, fold, cold, hold
- ILD (आइल्ड): wild, mild, child
- ELD (एल्ड ) : held, weld
- ALT (ऑल्ट ): halt, malt, salt
- ELT (एल्ट ): belt, felt, melt, pelt
- ILT (इल्ट ): tilt, wilt, silt
- OLT (ओल्ट ) : bolt, dolt
- ULT (अल्ट ): cult
- AMP (ऐम्प ): camp, stamp, ramp, champ, cramp, lamp
- IMP (इम्प ): limp
- OMP (ऑम्प ): romp, pomp, stomp
- UMP (अम्प ): stump, lump, dump, hump, mump
- AND (ऐंड ): sand, stand, land, hand, band, brand, bland, gland
- END (एंड ): bend, blend, send, tend, mend, lend, trend
- IND (इडं ): wind,
- IND (आईंड ): wind, mind, grind, hind, find, bind
- OND (औंड ): bond, fond, pond
- UND (अंड ): fund
- ANG (ऐंग ): bang, fang, gang, hang, sang, rang, pang, tang, slang,
- ING (इगं ): bring, cling, ping, sing, wing, sting, sling, ring, thing
- ONG (ऑंग ): song, strong, long
- UNG(अँग ): hung, lung, stung, sung
- ANK (ऐंक ): tank, bank, plank, sank, rank, drank
- INK (इंक़ ): blink, sink, rink, drink, think, wink, pink
- ONK(ऑंक ): honk, monk
- UNK(अंक ): bunk, dunk, sunk, trunk, drunk, chunk
NT units:
- ANT(ऐन्ट ): pant, chant, slant, grant, plant
- ENT(एन्ट ): bent, dent, gent, rent, sent, tent, went
- INT(इंट ): mint, tint, hint, lint, print
- ONT(ऑंट ): font
- UNT(अंट ): hunt, stunt
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