Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Activities to improve memory

1.    Digit span: the child is given few random numbers at the count of 1 number per second. The child is asked to repeat the numbers. The span is the length of numbers he can repeat without making mistakes.
2.    Word span: the child is given few random words at the count of 1 word per second. The child is asked to repeat the words. The span is the number of words he can repeat without making mistakes. The recall can be of 3 types- immediate, delay without distraction, distracted delay.
3.    Reading short stories: after reading the stories, the child can be asked few questions for comprehension. he can also be asked to recall and repeat the story in his words.
4.    Repetition of sentences: the child is told sentences and he has to repeat them. again, the repetitions can be immediate or delayed.
5.    Word pair recall (both familiar and unfamiliar pairs: familiar can be cow-milk, unfamiliar can be paper-water). First the whole list of pairs is told to the child and then 1 word of the pair is given and the child has to give the other word of that pair.
6.    Word game (first person says one word, second person says the first word and gives another word , first person says the first two words and gives another word, and so on).
7.    Object memory (few objects are shown to child and later asked what was shown).
8.    Visual mapping. (Objects in the room are shown to the child. Child looks at them and repeats the names. Then the child is asked to recall the names of the objects by keeping his eyes closed).
9.    Remembering visual details from TV ads.
10.           Route mapping (the child recalls the details of the route from place x to place y, like the number of right and left turns, landmarks, etc).
11.           Blind folding (an object is given in child’s hands who is blindfolded. It is then mixed with other objects in a box and the child is asked to find out the object from it).
12. Grid copy: a grid is shown to the child with few lines drawn. the child has a blank grid, where he can draw the lines at same dots without looking. the complexity of grid depends on the age of the child.
13. Sorting: a card with 10 pictures is shown to the child for few seconds. another card with 20 pictures(in this card the 10 pictures of previous card are also there) is shown and the child has to find out which are the 10 pictures he has seen in the previous card and which are the new pictures.

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